Home / Winet 6.68 released
- Fix reconnect to alternative host when using the /x option on command line or “exit when connection close” setting.
- Fix reconnect to alternative host. Don’t reconnect to alternative host if TCP or SSL/TLS error occurs after screen data received.
- Fix reconnect due to software abort. Only display error on last retry.
- Winet program will now close any active connection and itself before Windows shuts down.
- Implement SMTP for InetLicenseServer.
- Implement file transfer between LicenseClient and InetLicenseServer.
- Script can now be specified in dontwipe.me!
- IrmaClient, IrmaServer and IrmaManager improvements.
- InetLicenseClient and InetLicenseServer improvements.
- Improve memory usage by custom buttons and hotspots.
- Fix exception when creating a hotspot using right click on screen.
- Fix hotspots search area.
- Inet3270 Natural file transfer can now upload and download data using xlsx files.
- Inet3270 Natural file transfer will auto detect seperator character in csv file to upload.
- Inet3270 displays Natural file transfer progress in status bar.
- Improve Inet3270 Natural file transfer memory usage.
- User can now select which objects of a specific configuration to export.
- LicenseClient can now download a script file from InetLicenseServer and execute it.
- LicenseClient and IrmaClient sends same MAC address to server regardless of interface used.
- LicenseClient sends local LU to InetLicenseServer if no LU received from Mainframe.
- IrmaClient No update or error if IrmaServer IP address is empty.
- Optimize memory usage of all Winet programs.
- OpenSSL 3.4
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